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23rd   World Championships 1999 Rhythmic Gymnastics
OSAKA / Japan

All Around Competitions,
October 2nd

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Gold - Alina Kabajewa

Silber - Julia Raskina
Bronze - Julia Barsoukowa

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Individual All Around Competition:
Gold medal - Alina Kabaeva
Silver medal - Youlia Raskina
Bronze medal - Youlia Barsoukova

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Die russische Gruppe (links)
Silber für Griechenland
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World Champion - the group of Russia (left)

Silver medal won

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animpuce.gif (5378 Byte) Bronze für die brillante Gruppe aus Weißrußland
The perfect group of Belorussia got the bronze medal

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animpuce.gif (5378 Byte) Expressiv und spritzig: Die Gruppe aus Italien (6.)
An expressiv performance gave the Italian group (6th)

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animpuce.gif (5378 Byte) Die Pechvögel der WM: Die Ukraine verfehlt mit ihrer Weltspitzen-Gruppe die Olympia-Qualifikation (10.)

Bad luck for the
Ukrainian group:

As one of the worlds best teams they got only the 10th place.

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animpuce.gif (5378 Byte)    ... you like more impressions...??

        Come back, tomorrow...!

animpuce.gif (5378 Byte) Platz 4 und 5 im Gruppen-Mehrkampf:
Japan (oben) und Deutschland
4th and 5th places in All Around Competition -
Japan (over) and Germany

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animpuce.gif (5378 Byte)    IMPRESSIONEN / PICTURES 30/09/99

animpuce.gif (5378 Byte)    IMPRESSIONEN / PICTURES 01/10/99

GYMmedia-info-service / 02/10/99  
- Fotos: H.-J. Zacharias /
-schm -