23rd World Championships 1999 Rhythmic Gymnastics OSAKA / Japan
IMPRESSIONS Team Competition, October 1st
Das erste WM-Gold ging an das russische Team The first gold medal for the Russian team
She was the best of her team: Alina Kabaeva (RUS)
Julia Barsukowa (RUS) mit dem Charme einer Ballerina Yulia Barsoukova (RUS) does their gymnastics like a ballerina
Anna Bessonowa (UKR) jung und elegant Anna Bessonova (UKR) a young and elegant gymnast
Who is it? One of thousand impressions of this World Championships....
Zwei aus dem deutschen Team - Monique Strobl (links) und Edita Schaufler Two of German team - Monique Strobl (left) and Edita Schaufler
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Zwei aus dem weißrussischen Team - Julia Raskina (oben) und Jewgenia Pawlina Two of Belorussia team - Yulia Raskina (over) and Evgenia Pavlina
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GYMmedia-info-service / 01/10/99 - Fotos: H.-J. Zacharias / -schm / ehe -