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TOP of Nations

( - the only best one athlete per nation)
(update:  11-03-2000)

Artistic Gymnastics
(after Qantas International Gymnastics Challenge, 2000, Feb 27)
Rhythmic Gymnastics
(after Grand Prix Final,
Korneuburg/AUT, 21-11-99)


per )*

1 Khorkina Svetlana RUS 12x


Amanar Simona ROM 9x
4 Karpenko Victoria UKR 9x
9 Dong Fanxiao CHN 12x
13 Ray Elise USA 15x
14 Furnon Ludivine FRA 11x
17 Slater Alana AUS 10x
18 Polozkova Alena BLR 8x
22 Sugawara Risa JPN 14x
25 Moro Sara ESP 8x
27 Varga Adrienn HUN 10x
28 Tousek Yvonne CAN 7x
35 Mason Lisa GBR 7x
43 Chussovitina Oksana UZB 6x
40 Bergamelli Monica ITA 10x
53 Evdokimova Irina KAZ 2x
56 Schweigert Birgit GER 12x
61 Tsavdaridou Vasiliki GRE 7x
75 Komrskova Jana CZE 1x
77 Hypolito Daniele BRA 6x
85 Nuyten Monique NED 1x
97 Lopez Denisse MEX 2x
110 Skowronska Joanna POL 1x
133 Schnell Natascha SUI 10x
143 de Kock Nadene RSA 2x
205 Park, Sung-Hee KOR 7x
212 Mok Un-Ju PRK 3x
249 Tonkovicova Adriana SVK 6x
250 Ostreng Marny NOR 4x
272 Guentcheva Vesselina BUL 1x
272 Rivarola Barbara ARG 1x


)* - number of athletes per nation

(Total: 277 gymnasts / 31 countries)
(update 21-11-99)

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Rank M E N


1 Nemov Alexei RUS 13x
4 Tsukahara Naoya JPN 14x
5 Ivankov Ivan BLR 10x
6 Beresch Alexander UKR 13x
7 Carballo Jesus ESP 7x
8 Lee Joo--Hyung KOR 10x
9 Jovtchev Jordan BUL 10x
10 Wilson Blaine USA 17x
11 Wecker Andreas GER 14x
12 Huang Xu CHN 16x
17 Fedortchenko Sergei KAZ 4x
20 Csollany Szilveszter HUN 8x
21 Urzica Marius ROM 14x
29 Karbonenko Dmitri FRA 15x
31 Rehm Dieter SUI 12x
34 Melassinidis Ioannis GRE 6x
39 Jeltkov Alexander CAN 8x
40 Galli Roberto ITA 14x
45 Pegan Aljaz SLO 2x
56 Lopez Rios Eric CUB 8x
58 Sapronenko Evgeni LAT 2x
62 Blanik Leszek POL 1x
79 Tanskanen Jani FIN 3x
80 Giorgadse Ilja GEO 1x
83 Demjanov Alexei CRO 1x
93 Fardan Kasper DEN 3x
101 Heap Craig GBR 8x
111 Kravtzov Andrej AUS 9x
143 Alexandersson Runar ISL 1x
147 Jong, U Chol PRK 3x
178 Rosengreen Magnus SWE 2x
184 Mircan Catalin AUT 1x
209 Pedercini Eric ARG 3x
218 Erdey Zoltan RSA 2x
229 Walejew Ildor UZB 1x
252 Solberg Fleming NOR 1x
252 Firt Jiri CZE 2x

)* - number of athletes per nation
(Total: 261 gymnasts / 37 nations)
 pulsar_rot_blau.gif (1701 Byte)    GYM   TOP  TEN

name / nation

per )*

1 Vitrichenko Elena UKR 6x
2 Kabaeva Alina RUS 8x
3 Raskina Yulia BLR 5x
6 Serrano Eva FRA 4x
8 Schaufler Edita GER 4x
10 Alexandrova Teodora BUL 4x
11 Cid Tostado Almudena ESP 5x
13 Marchesi Susanna ITA 4x
14 Matsunaga Rieko JPN 5x
15 Tokaev Svetlana ISR 5x
20 Evmorphia Dona GRE 7x
19 Kvietnievska Anna POL 4x
30 Frater Victoria HUN 6x
33 Tavdishvili Inga GEO 4x
38 Zhou Xiao Jing CHN 4x
41 Stoica Alina ROM 3x
43 Stirton Erika L. CAN 4x
44 Howard Jessica USA 6x
47 Lautala Heini FIN 5x
49 Schielin Birgit AUT 4x
54 Sebestova Andrea CZE 6x
70 Stollenberg Cindy BEL 4x
73 Kornycheva Natalia EST 4x
80 Rakusa Erka SLO 5x
83 Stock Ramona NED 3x
84 Kliukeviciute Kristina LIT 1x
96 Zimonijc Iva YUG 2x
98 Nyström Elin SWE 1x
101 Shapirova Firuza UZB 5x
106 Motolikova Ivana SVK 4x

)* - number of athletes per nation
(Total: 223 gymnasts / 21 countries)

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