10. September 2007
Sao Paulo / Brazil
Wheel Gymnastics

From August 21 to September 4 14 Wheel gymnasts afrom Germany took part in the 4th Forum Internacional Gymnastic Geral in Campinas (Brazil) an event which is organized every two years by the University of Campinas/Sao Paulo (UNICAMP).
There were workshops for interested club coaches, sports students and sports teachers from Brazil, but also from other South American countries. In the three hour sessions the basics of wheel gymnastics were taught both theoretically and especially practically. In addition,...

19. Mai 2007
Salzburg / Austria
Wheel Gymnastics

The 7th World Championships in Wheel Gymnastics in Salzburg (Austria) were concluded today by the exciting finals of the juniors and seniors:

Robert Maaser (GER) dominated the finals of the junior individual competitions as he had the all-round event and became World Champion in all three disciplines in Salzburg. In the vault finals Cornell Freenes (USA) came second,  Patrick Scholtka (GER) placed third. In the straight-line discipline Patrick Scholtka (GER) won the silver medal, beating Ido Leviatov (ISR)...

18. Mai 2007
Salzburg / Österreich
Wheel Gymnastics

The 7th World Championships in wheel gymnastics were continued today with the  all-round competitions of the junior gymnasts.
In the male juniors' class, Robert Maaser (Germany) dominated the field scoring 26.75 points, beating Ido Leviatov from Israel (22.65 points).
Achim Pitz from Belgium came third, scoring 22.00 points. Victoria Hennigsen (GER) scored 24.65 points to become the female juniors' world champion, with her team mates Maren Opfermann (24.15 points) and Mareike Jochem (23.95 points) coming second...

18. Mai 2007
Salzburg / Austria
Wheel Gymnastics

The 7th World Championships in wheel gymnastics were continued today with the  all-round competitions of the junior gymnasts.

In the male juniors' class, Robert Maaser (Germany) dominated the field scoring 26.75 points, beating Ido Leviatov from Israel (22.65 points). Achim Pitz from Belgium came third, scoring 22.00 points.

Victoria Henninghausen (GER) scored 24.65 points to become the female juniors' world champion, with her team mates Maren Opfermann (24.15 points) and Mareike Jochem (23.95 points)...

17. Mai 2007
Salzburg / Österreich
Wheel Gymnastics

After the official Opening Gala yesterday the competitions of the 7th World Championsships in Wheel-Gymnastics in Salzburg started today with the Seniors‘s All Around Competition.

Today title-holder Janin Oer (Germany/25.45 points) again was the winner of the Senior’s women All Around Competition. Kathrin Schad (GER/25.20 Pt) is placed second. She surprised especially with a double summersault in vault. Takako Hiwa (24.30 P.) won the bronze medal for Japan like two years before.

German also won the gold...
