9. April 2006
Flensburg / Germany
Wheel Gymnastics

At the "3rd World-Team-Cup of Wheel Gymnastics 2006" the German team gets the gold medal once again.

Despite of the high level of the gymnasts from Japan and Switzerland, Germany managed to get the highest scores even with the new introduced regulation of vault.
Positive commands all-around for the new regulations of vault.
Competitors and members of the jury agreed, it is practicable and purposeful within the competition.....
Thanks to the perfect local...

25. Februar 2006
Leverkusen / Germany
Wheel Gymnastics

3rd Course Vault The third introduction course of the new International Regulations of Vault will be held on 1st April (10:00 – 18:00) in Leverkusen, Germany
Registrations will be taken by Markus Schlossser (GER). The IRV Vault Regulations can be downloaded as a pdf-document on www.rhoenrad.com

6. Februar 2006
Norway / Switzerland
Wheel Gymnastics

Wheel Gymnastics also with new code elements
The new international regulations of vault were successfully taught within two trainings courses in Switzerland and Norway. The participants came to the agreement, that the new rules are just and reasonable. A third course will take place in Leverkusen, Germany. The new rules will be introduced for the first time at the "World Team Cup" in Flensburg and Trappenkamp (Germany) at the beginning of April.....

4. Januar 2006
Wheel Gymnastics

New Code for JUMP
The International Federation of Wheel Gymnastics (IRV) announced, that from the beginning of new year 2006 new rules are valid for the discipline JUMP!
Furthermore international courses for judges will held in Switzerland, Norway and Germany...

18. November 2005
Flensburg / Germany
Wheel Gymnastics

On the edge of the Gala of the TSB Flensburg the IRV celebrated on 12th of November its ceremony of the "10th anniversary of the "International Federation of Wheel Gymnastics" (IRV):
Several guests of honour, coming from the different member states, complied the invitation. ..
