29. Mai 2003
Wheel Gymnastics

After all members of the 13 delegations had arrived to the 5th World Championships in Lillehammer / Norway the competitors had the possibility to train and to test the floor and the wheels in the big Hakons Hall. The judges were prepared during a judging course for the competitions of the next three days.

28. Mai 2003
Wheel Gymnastics

In the realm of the 5th World Championships in wheelgymnastics the 5th General Assembly of the IRV took place on 27th May 2003 in Lillehammer /Norway. Therefore, 10 delegates from the member countries Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland came to the city of the 1994 Winter Olympics....

26. Mai 2003
Wheel Gymnastics

IRV -Press Release (1) --- The World Championship of Wheel Gymnastics will be held in Lillehammer, Norway, May 2003, 28th to 31st. This is the 5th World Championship, last arranged in Liestal, Switzerland, in 2001. The Championship is arranged every 2nd year.
This year the Norwegian Gymnastics Federation has the honour of hosting the Championship, with the Oppland Gymnastics Association as local organiser. The Championship will take place on Olympic soil - the 1994 Winter Olympic Games were held...

26. Mai 2003
Wheel Gymnastics

At the beginnung of the week of the 5th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS of WHEEL GYMNASTICS, the Mayor of Lillehammer (Norway) Synn?ve Brenden Klemetrud welcomes all guests, participants, leaders and organisers in the Olympic city of the winter games 1994.
The world championships of wheel gymnastics will be held from May 28 to 31....

22. Mai 2003
Wheel Gymnastics

The countdown to the 5th world-championships is running.
The last preparations of the 'Norges Gymnastikk- og Turnforbund' (NGTF) and of the organisation team of the 'Oppland Gymastik- og Turnkres' (OGTK) are under way....
