8. Dezember 2003
Turku / Finland
Wheel Gymnastics

INVITATION: 26th JULY – 5th AUG 2004
The 'Turku Wheel Gymnastics Club' and 'Turku Circus' Rhoenrad Gymnasts', in cooperation with the IRV (Internationaler Rhoenradturn-Verband), hereby invite Rhoenrad enthusiasts of all levels and nationalities to an international summer training camp in Turku, Finland, from 26th July - 5th August 2004.

23. November 2003
Numazu / Japan
Wheel Gymnastics

Half a year after the World Championships in Lillehammer the 9th Japan Champioship of wheel gymnastics 2003 was held on November 15-16th in NUMAZU in the middle of Japan.
About sixty gymnasts from the whole country took part. In senior men's category Satoshi Motoya (Tsukuba University) won the all-around , straightline and also spiral. The winner in vault was Yasuaki Yoshikawa.
On the other hand in senior women's category Yukako Fukase (Tsukuba University) won the all...

11. Oktober 2003
Wheel Gymnastics

World Champions dominated
Worldchampions also won 42nd German Championchips of wheel gymnastics.
Half a year after the WCh in Lillehammer Norway, the 42nd German Championchips took place on October, 11th in Geislingen /Steige.
b>Janin Oer (VfB Fallersleben), the Worldchampion 2003 in straight and spiral, and Julius Petri (TSV Taunusstein) , the Worldchampion in all around, straight and spiral, continued their triumphal procession. In absence of title-holder Julia Pohling (TSV Taunusstein) Janin Oer won the all around...

2. Oktober 2003
Wheel Gymnastics

7th World Championchips of Wheel Gymnastics 2005
After the World Championchips 2005 of Wheel Gymnastics were give to Belgium (VDT -Verband Deutschsprachiger Turnvereine in Belgium) during the last WCh's in Lillehammer / Norway.
Today took place the very first press conference in Aachen, Germany.
The 7th World Championchips of Wheel Gymnastics (Rhoenrad) will be held 2005, May 5th to 7th. The Championship will take place in Eupen /Belgium and Aachen /Germany (- in the so...

2. August 2003
Cologne/Strausberg / Germany
Wheel Gymnastics

Just in time befor the world championships 2003 the book „Rhoenrad-Report“ is published in German language. The book contents interesting reports about many different subjects, concerning wheel-gymnastics.
, searched for months and spoke with many gymnasts, coaches, responsible persons and fans of wheel-gymnastics to get as much information as possible. With the interviews, reports, comments and funny stories the author wants „...to waken the interest for an fascinating gymnastic apparatus ... and for the various skills of this...
