26. August 2007
Sheffield / Great Britain

On Saturday, August 25 host  GREAT BRITAIN won the dual trampoline meet vs. CANADA with a score of  619.10 to 600.20 points.

On double mini  trampoline (DMT), the CANADIAN's tabulated 632.6 points compared to 618.8 for Britain.

In tumbling, BRITAIN (600.2) bested CANADA with 581.80 ...

26. August 2007
St. Petersburg / Russia

Two days before the Trampoline World Cup which will be held in St. Petersburg on Saturday this year's Russian Championships 2007 took place.
At the "Petrovsky Sports Complex" and in the absence of nine-times Russian champion Irina KARAVAEVA, Natalia CHERNOVA and, for the first time, Sergei CHUMAK won the 2007 Russian titles of the Olympic trampoline disciplines.
Natalia Kolesnikova and Viktoria Voronina took the trampoline silver and bronze medals on the women's side.
New Russian Champions 2007 on the...

28. Juli 2007
Rio de Janeiro / Brazil

The Canadian favorite Karen COCKBURN won the trampoline debut of the 15th PAN AMERICAN GAMES 2007 in front of her teammate Rosannagh MacLENNAN and the Brazilian Giovanna MATHEUS.

On men's side the winner of the Olympic individual trampoline disciplin was Chris ESTRADA (USA), followed by Jason BURNETT, Canada and Ryan WESTON from USA...

14. Juli 2007
Great Britain

Claire Wright reached 7th heaven, wining her record breaking 7th British Senior Title 2007 of Trampoline individual in a row with James Higgins taking the Men’s crown
Wright beat synchro partner Jaime Moore (NTGA) to capture the title with Kat Driscoll of Apollo in third.
In the exciting Men’s draw, James Higgins (NTGA) took the title from Gary Smith (Jumpers) by the narrowest of margins being victorious on the count back rule, with Gary Short (Apollo) coming third

30. Juni 2007
Ostende / Belgium

Trampoline World Cup in Belgium
For the 25th time in her career the Russian Olympic Champion of 2000 (Sydney), the Russian super star Irina Kabaeva, won a world cup event , this weekend in Ostende, Belgium - a record which will exist surely for a long time!
Like at the last world cup a week ago the Ukrainian Yuri Nikitin was in a top form again and won the men's individual.
Both athletes also won the synchron event each with their partners...
