22. September 2014
Liverpool, GBR

British gymnasts produced world class performances as the trampoline, tumbling and double-mini trampoline titles were decided over the weekend 20th and 21st September at Echo Arena, Liverpool.
The superb venue had lights and lasers to greet the gymnasts; which along with appreciative crowd combined to create an atmosphere on par with any major championships with the gymnast’s delivering routines to match.
All of the competing gymnasts will have had ambitions not only of British medals but also places...

13. September 2014
Minsk, Belarus

After the trampoline World Cup in Portuguese Loulé a week before now the World Cup circus has moved to Minsk - last stop of the series before taking place in just under two months World Championships.
After the preliminaries already dominated on Friday with the men in the Olympic trampoline discipline - without Chinese participation - a trio with the Russian Dmitry Ushakov, Japanese Tetsuya Sotomura and Belarus Vladislau Hancharu, then the finals completed in this order...

22. August 2014
Nanjing, China

It must have been more than a surprise probably that the Chinese preliminary's best athlet, LIU Changxin, was struck by the young New Zealander Dylan SCHMIDT in the trampoline final of the top eight gymnasts. The 17-year-old from Auckland in New Zealand, to the insiders has known since 2009 at the latest, when he won the World Age Group Competitions the under-13-year-old impressed in the final with the absolute highest difficulty (15.4) and referred to 57.340 the Chinese ...

28. Juli 2014
Toronto, Canada

In the last national meet before qualifications begin for the 2015 Pan American Games next year in Toronto, Olympians Rosie MacLennan and Karen Cockburn resumed dominance in Canada, winning gold and silver on individual trampoline Sunday at the 2014 Canada Cup. The reigning Canadian and Olympic champion topped the field with a total of 159.505 points. The 33 years old Karen Cockburn, a three-time Olympic medal winner, scored 153.225 points to clinch the silver medal. She returned to...

4. Juni 2014
Chiba, Japan

Absolutely no surprise was the victory of the Japanese Ito MASAKI in the elite's  trampoline final of the 3rd Asian Games, which took place in Chiba, Japan.
Also the silver medalist came from the host country: It was Tetsuya SOTOMURA and behind him the men from Kazachstan, Yernur SYZDYK won the bronze medal
For the female elite and as was expected the first place goes for the Olympic Bronze medallist  Ekaterina KHILKO from Uzbekistan with...
