16. März 2005
Sofia / Bulgarien
Sport Aerobics

The Aerobic Union Bulgaria invites from 18th to 20 March into the Universiada Hall of Sofia (Bulgaria) to the 'SUPRAVIT Bulgarian Aerobics Open', an FIG World Series Competition. It is the first Aerobic tournament this year and also the first international contest with the new directions of the FIG, the 'Codo of Points'. Parallel to this World Cup of the B-category also take place International Youth Championships.

3. März 2005
Moutier / Switzerland
Sport Aerobics

First places for Gregory Alcan (FRA) and Daniela Izabela Lacatus (ROM)

The International Gymnatisc Federation FIG has end February updates its World Ranking Lists in Sports Aerobics. Now as ever the World Champion of 2004 Gregory Alcan from France leads on with 332.43 points at the 'Men´s' clearly the field of 46 listed Aerobics athletes. At the 'Women´s' remains Daniela Izabela Lacatus from Romania, victor of the 2nd Worldcup Finals 2003, with 248.33 points also further at the...

3. Januar 2005
Helsinki / Finnland
Sport Aerobics

Tiia Piili, twice Aerobic world champion (FISAF), was selected to the 'Aerobic athlete of the year 2004' by the Finnish Sports Federation. The 25-year-old counts as that momentarily most successful representative of Sports Aerobics. She missed the victory in the total evaluation of all Finnish athletes tightly (124 points) behind the alpine skier Tanja Poutiaiselle (145 points).

23. Dezember 2004
Moutier / Switzerland
Sport Aerobics

On 22th December the FIG (International Gymnastics Federation) and the ANAC (National Aerobic Championships Worldwide) signed an important agreement of cooperation in Moutier (Switzerland).
FIG and ANAC wish to cooperate and allow their Membership to participate in each others competitions and to further develop Aerobics worldwide.

20. Dezember 2004
Novi Sad / Serbia and Montenegro
Sport Aerobics

The city of Novi Sad in Vojvodina – northern province of Serbia and Montenegro - was the host of a competition in Aerobic Gymnastics on December 18, 2004, organized by Aerobics Association of Vojvodina. The competitors were divided according to the FIG AGC regulations, coming from four clubs.
'It was not a big event but very important one for the development of this beautiful gymnastic discipline in our country, where there is only enthusiasm and passion that helps overcoming...
