2. Juni 2006
Nanjing / CHINA
Sport Aerobics

The Brazilian Marcela Lopez is new Aerobic World Champion of the women!! She won today in the 9th FIG Aerobics World Championships in Nanjing (China) with 21,600 points before Jinxuan Huang (China, 20,500) and Elmira Dassaeva (Spain, 20,250).

Gold in the category trio for Rumanians men with Mircea Brinzea, Valentin Mavrodeneanu and Mircea Zamfir with 21,500 points. Silver won China (21,350) and bronze at Rumania once again - at the second trio.

Tomorrow's third and last...

1. Juni 2006
Nanjing / CHINA
Sport Aerobics

There were the first medals in two categories today in the 9th FIG Aerobics World Championships in Nanjing (China):

At the men Chinese Jinping Ao with 21.70 points won surprisingly before Ivan Parejo from Spain (21.20) and Mircea Zamfir from Rumania (21,05).
The favorite Romanian Mixed Pair with Mihaela Pohoata and Valentin Mavrodineanu won gold with 20.45 points before the Pairs from Italy (20.25) and France (20,20).

Tomorrow takes place the Qualifications and the...

1. Juni 2006
Nanjing / CHINA
Sport Aerobics

The elite of Aerobic Gymnastics meets from June 01 to June 03 to its '9th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS' to the first time in China, in the city of Nanjing.
The participants come from 30 different countries, among of them the leading nations like Romania, France, Spain, but also the outsiders and newcomers, like India, Indonesia, Taiwan and thers.
At the program of these worlds are five categories: 'Individual Women', 'Individual Men', 'Mixed Pairs', 'Trio' and 'Groups'. ...

21. Mai 2006
Kiew / Ukrain
Sport Aerobics

Finland and the Czech Republic dominate the European Championships

For the repeated time the favored World Champion Tiia Piili from Finland wins the European Championships 2006 of the World Assosiation FISAF in the sport-palace from Kiew (Ukraine). Piili sovereign on the first place in front of its country woman Rita Niemie. At the third place the Czech Denisa Daresova. In Men won the Czech Jan Pochobradska (bronce at last World Championships) before its compatriot Petr Jansky. The Finn Juuso...

16. Mai 2006
Kiew / Ukrain
Sport Aerobics

In the Ukrainian capital Kiew take place this year from 18th to 20th May the 'European Aerobics and Fitness Championships 2006' from the world association FISAF. Also with the 'Worlds Junior Championships' and the 'Worlds Cadet Cup'.
The medail favorites come traditionally from Russia, from Ukraine and the Czech Republic.
The Championships will be held in the biggest sportcenter of Ukraine, in 'Sport Palace'. It is high quality and multifunctional and has place for nearly 7000 spectators.
