02. Januar 2025  
Budapest, HUN  
Artistic Gymnastics

Agnes KELETI -Oldest Olympic champion in the world has died

Just one week before her 104th birthday, Hungary's five-time Olympic champion Agnes KELETI fell asleep peacefully on New Year's Day after a short illness. Until then, she was the most successful Jewish sportswoman and also the longest-living Olympic champion in sporting history. The gymnast won her last Olympic gold on the balance beam in Melbourne in 1956. She had previously become world champion on the uneven bars in Budapest in 1954. The Jewess only returned to her Hungarian homeland decades later ...!
* GYMmedia reported more about this extraordinary world athlete four years ago (2021) ► on the occasion of her 100th birthday.

♦ The German sports journalist Gunnar MEINHARDT
  conducted with the Jewish and Hungarian Olympic champion Àgnes KELETI at the age of 102 years in Budapest  her last public interview


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