23. September 2024  
Pesaro, ITA  
Sport Aerobics


The 18th Aerobic Gymnastics World Championships 2024 will be held from September 27 - 29 in Pesaro, Italy.
The Aerobic Gymnastics World Championships are the championships for qualifying aerobic gymnastics from across the globe.
* The discipline is a thrilling competitive sport originating from aerobics where gymnasts combine complex, high-intensity moves with elements of varying difficulty into an entertaining routine set to music. About 350 gymnasts from 37 nations has drawn. An especially star-studded field reunites reigning titlists in five of the seven Aerobic categories — Individual Men’s and Women’s, Group, Aerobic Dance, and Aerobic Step — for a new showdown, while new World champions are guaranteed in Mixed Pair and Trio events.
* Before the WCh main event, the 11th World Age Group Competitions kicked off from September 20-22, featuring the next generation of gymnastics stars:

11th AEROBIC World Age Group Competitions 2024
              - Pesaro / ITA;   September 20 - 22  -


* Juniors - : With 3 discipline victories, the Portuguese hosts became the most successful nation in the juniors and won the individual, women's and men's competitions, as well as the mixed category Spain with 2 successes Step & Dance) and Hungary (trio) and Bulgaria (group) each won a gold medal.
German participants competed in 4 of the 7 categories and did not finish in the top ten and therefore had no chance of reaching the final.
* Age groups --: HUNGARY's young talents dominated the 6 categories and won half of the possible gold medals (Ind. Boys; Group & Dance) with 3 gold medals alone. Three nations achieved one victory each:
- Bulgaria won the Tio (+ 2x silver & 1x bronze
- Spain won the mixed competition (+ 1x silver and 1x bronze) and
- Lithuania triumphed in the girls' individual competition and won another bronze medal.
* Germany only achieved one place in the final, coming 8th out of 17 formations in the Dance category.
* Emma Eggenstein (Blau-Weiß Buchholz), four-time German Youth Champion from 2023, only just missed out on a place in the final in 9th place.
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♦ An overview of the WAG results can be found at
F I G WAG-Results