♦ GYMfamily - what is it ...?
♦ The GYMmedia platforms have been in existence for almost 30 years (!)
Several tens of thousands of users / readers from over 140 countries visit us every day!
During the 2018 World Gymnastics Championships in Doha (QAT), 2019 (Stuttgart / GER) and 2021 in Kitakyushu/JPN and also in 2022 in Liverpool and again in 2023 in Antwerp (BEL), there were an average of almost 32,750 daily (!) (= iP addresses, i.e. legally different persons (!), which caused daily page views in the high mid 6-digit range)!
♦ Our independent, daily updated online service for all gymnastics disciplines was once established through an almost 20-year far-sighted and successful partnership with renowned equipment manufacturers: The former founding partners SPIETH Gymnastics (GER), Janssen-Fritsen (NED) and Eurotramp (GER) originally provided reliable, exemplary and effective support for almost two decades.
♦ Now that these partnerships have come to an end - partly as a result of globalisation processes - other effective ways of continuing high-quality journalistic and up-to-date daily reporting must be found - as close as possible to practice and in the interests of the practice partners, i.e. first and foremost the athletes and coaches, and the local officials!
♦ Thanks to the permanent support of the world-renowned sports shoe manufacturer IWA Gymnastics, the selective presence of the equipment manufacturer "B ae n f e r" and currently the pharmaceutical company "Ursapharm", we have so far been able to continue operating daily media presences (in some disciplines to a limited extent), but not a necessary and decisive further development!
♦ That is why we offer the European practice of the gymnastics disciplines
- from the Olympic core sports to the non-Olympic disciplines and gymnastics for the general public
- to share our former GYMmedia platforms with us and have founded the virtual → "GYMfamily" for this purpose,
as a journalist-led, independent "GYM community" that transcends all geographical borders, as a kind of "digital GYM Digest" for the German-speaking European region, accessible at → www.gymfamily.eu !
♦ Associations, clubs, event organisers, business and advertising partners,
who are interested in this, that the latest (!) professionally relevant GYMnews will continue to be published in future via
→ www.gymfamily.eu can thus become a
<< "Member of GYMfamily" their serious news & information
→ publish with us,
→ link to their own sources and
→ their content through the popularity and the degree of dissemination
of the GYMmedia platforms much more efficiently!
→ Since the start of the pre-Olympic year GYMmedia has received new and effective support from the global player "URSAPHARM":

→ With the support of IWA Gymnastics , we have once again taken a further step towards a stronger virtual community of a GYMfamily, especially with the committed young gymnasts, with the complete 2023 season of the >> German IWA Junior National League...!
♦ When booking our service as a "GYMfamily-Event"", we also ensure up-to-date journalistic reporting including newsletter service and use of our highly efficient
→ G Y M b oe r s e / Job Exchange.
- We are convinced that the individual virtual presences of the structures of gymnastics and gymnastics are not sufficient due to their predominantly "intranet character", nor are the undoubtedly revitalising effects of the "social networks" with their far too short "half-lives" and the mostly incomprehensible seriousness of their sources.
!! Journalistically and professionally serious, well-founded and up-to-date and up-to-date reporting is and will therefore remain without alternative!
- We will be happy to send the GYMfamily CONCEPT on
INQUIRY to anyone interested in becoming a member of the GYMfamily
including detailed conditions of admission.
- Such a future GYMfamily-PORTAL should above all also bundle the diversity of media presentation, which is often "stuck" in regionality, on a common platform / network and thus be able to reach the entire German-speaking area better - in future and with immediate effect also under ► www.gymfamily.eu
In our opinion, such a GYMfamily-Community",, utilising joint virtual synergy effects, is already a factor that can no longer be overlooked in the modern media landscape.
* Simply enquire about our customised GYMfamily concept:
> office@gymmedia.com
Eckhard Herholz BERLIN / Germany January 2024
European Gymnastics Service