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Asher HONG (USA) |
♦ At the U.S. Men's Artistic Gymnastics Championships 2023, the "Xfinity U.S. Gymnastics Championships" at the SAP Center in San Jose, California, the leader after the 1st routine round, the only 19-year-old Asher Hong (Tomball, Texas/Stanford University) confirmed his strong form and became the only finalist with another score of over 85 points with a total of 85.615+85.315=170.930 the new USA national all-around champion.
The runner-up title went to fellow Stanford Uni member Khoi Young (84.781+84.674=169.455) and bronze went to Frederick Richards (85.469+83.842=169.311).
Yul Moldauer, who was still in second place after the first free skate rotations, dropped back to fifth place after a weaker final performance (81.898).
► MEN's FINAL results after 2nd round
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* 24-Aug-2023
Already on the first day of the competition, 15 (!) gymnasts reached the 80-point mark in the 1st free skate of the all-around, in competition no. 2 there were 16.
At the top after the 1st free skate of the first day of competition was the only 19-year-old Asher HONG with 85.615 points, who finished 6th in the all-around at his World Championships debut in Liverpool last year. He was currently followed in the national rankings by Yul Moldauer (85.548) and Frederick Richard (85.469).
The national all-around title is also awarded in the men's event only after addition with the 2nd free skating round (- see above.)
Schon am 1. Wettkampftag hatten insgesamt 15 (!) Aktive die 80'er-Punktegrenze in der 1. Kür des Mehrkampfes, im Wettkampf Nr. 2 waren es 16.
An der Spitze nach der 1. Kür des ersten Wettkampftages lag mit 85,615 Punkten der erst 19-jährige Asher HONG, der bei seinem WM-Debüt im Vorjahr in Liverpool Rang 6 im Mehrkampf belegte. Ihm folgten im nationalen Ranking aktuell Yul Moldauer (85,548) und Frederick Richard (85,469).
Der nationale Mehrkampftitel wird auch bei den Männern erst nach Addition mit dem 2. Kürdurchgang vergeben (- siehe oben.)
!! Die The second round was also published world wid via ► LIVESTREAM on Youtube, and after than as Video on demand;
(... after the opening the competition started from Timecode 27:00 min.!!)
* In the junior competition (U17, after 1st + 2nd free skate)
Kai Uemura (Lakeshore) clearly stood out from the field of competitors with a score of 83.394 + 82.122 = 165.516.
He was followed by Kiran Mandava with 79.743 + 79.093 =158.836 and Xander Hong with 78.130 + 78.751 = 156.881 points ...
► U17-Juniors Results
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* Have a look to ► Biles dominated USA Women's Championships
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!! Current international ALL-AROUND Results in comparison :
► WOMEN's All-around ► MEN's All-around
!! The Women's decision You find on Youtube as ► VIDEO on DEMAND !
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