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In the new year 2023, the International ZAG Junior Cup in Hanover-Vinnhorst / Germany will again enrich the international calendar of gymnastics talents:
On 17 and 18 June 2023, boys aged 10 to 16 will compete for the 9th time for the cups, medals and prize money at the new Vinnhorst Sports Centre, near the German capital of Lower Saxony Hanover
The organisers from TuS Vinnhorst - the club of the Olympian Andreas Toba - and the Lower Saxony Gymnastics Association hope to welcome top young gymnasts from numerous nations as well as from all over Germany and, of course, the best from Lower Saxony to the 9th edition this year.
The special thing about this competition is above all that clubs as well as national teams or teams from a gymnastics centre can take part and that all gymnasts of a team - no matter what age group - start together in one squad, which not only strengthens the team spirit but also facilitates the supervision.
♦ The organisers from Lower Saxony have long been in full preparation of the
IX. ZAG Junior Cup edition 2023 :
Here are the invitations to tender to help you plan the year in good time:
► in English and ► in German and
!! ATTENTION: Deadline: 26 April 2023!
- to ► j.niebuhr@t-online.de .
!! ...but hier You will find the ►► current Event Report 2023 (June 17/18)
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* gymmedia.de
ZAG-Junior Cup: Impressions 2022 - Invitation 2023
* Youtube (TuS Vinnhorst)
- R E V I E W:
As a booked "GYMfamily event", the organisers always used the GYMmedia service,
so we can easily recall the highlights of the past years: Impressive digital reminiscences!
♦ 2022: Still in best memory is the last event, the
► 8. Intern. ZAG-Junior-Cup in the summer of 2022,
& >> ... PREVIEW 2022
* For more historical backviews have a look to our Germanspeaking portal
►► www.gymmedia.de