17. September 2022  
Tokyo, JPN  
Artistic Gymnastics

Germany's Ambassador received gymnastics seniors in Tokyo

The German Ambassador in Japan, His Excellency Clemens von GOETZE, received on the eve of the historic first senior men's gymnastics international competition the representatives of the two national gymnastics teams as well as of the Japan Gymnastics Federation, headed by its president Zenjiro YANAGI.
After greetings from the heads of delegation, Jens KRUEGER for the German guests and Chiozou SHINOHAROU, the team leader of the Japanese team, the Germany's ambassador also acknowledged the realization of this idea, which originated from Germany's Jens Krueger, who was encouraged to tackle this project after contacts with the Japanese gymnastics legend Mitsuo TSUKAHARA some years ago. Despite two years of postponement due to the pandemic, and the persistence of the initiators, this extraordinary competition has now come to fruition ...:

* Reception of the two senior national national gymnastics teams of Japan and Germany at the German Embassy in Tokyo


<< In his welcoming speech, initiator and Germany's team leader Jens KRUEGER thanked for the invitation to this reception and handed the ambassador the invitations to visit the premiere competition (< photo left).
In addition, he explained to the Japanese hosts the genesis umn implementation of the idea to activate the best players from outstanding representatives of the individual age decades between 30 and over 70 years to such a competition.
In the course of further discussions, there was even talk about the suggestion of forming a Japanese women's team of these age groups as a return visit, which would then meet an adequate gymnastics team of German women in Germany. Also in the discussion were considerations, so as in other olympic kinds of sport already usual, about age group and/or genuine senior title fights on international level to discuss...!

Highly motivated, both teams are now preparing for the premiere competition planned for Sunday, September 18, whereby Japan's gymnastics president Zenjiro YANAGI probably referred to the probably somewhat younger squad of the German gymnasts, but also to the fact that one should not underestimate the experience and cleverness of the "old men" of the host country".
(c) gymmedia
* Fotos/Infos aus Japan: Malte Angelstein
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* More you find HERE about the
►► very 1st Friendly country Meet of gymnastics seniors Japan vs. Germany
