07. September 2022  
Tokyo, JPN  
Artistic Gymnastics

Historic first senior gymnastics competition Japan - Germany

In fact, it has never happened before:
An official Friendly country Meet of gymnastics seniors between JAPAN and GERMANY!
"Real" age group seniors, between 30 and 70 years of age (!!) will compete against a Japanese age group selection on September 18 in the Tachikawa-Tachihi arena in western Tokyo. The first team members - all of them enthusiastic recreational athletes, some of them also former league gymnasts - who have succeeded in continuing to actively pursue their sport even in their personally certainly not always uncomplicated professional lives!
* Initiator and idea giver as well as Riegenführer is the German Jens KRUEGER employed for 10 years with a Daimler enterprise in Tokyo - former German 3rd federal league and Bavarian national league - which continues to operate its sport also in Japan, e.g. 2021 also with the All-Japanese championships actively was. Although the pandemic times have delayed this project by a good two years, now it's really going to come true!
The first German team members have already arrived in the Japanese capital.
On September 16, there will be a reception at the ambassador's office in Tokyo, and on September 18, the team will take to the equipment ...:

* The competition Arena in West Tokyo.



... ... already convinces with attractive action pictures of their biographies and lets expect that the German competition guests must probably "warm up" or better: that one can expect an exciting competition !!
  Kyouzo WATANABE (76)  (Foto, rechts )
Japan's oldest competitor in this national selection was a multiple Japanese university champion in his youth.
Since he turned 70 years old in 2017, he has been Japanese age group champion 5 times in a row!
  Chiyozou SHINOHARA (66)
  Yoshinao KIMOTO   (61)
  Osamu TSUKEN   (51)
Takahide SUGAI  (34)

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* GYMmedia will report daily from Tokyo.

* More you find HERE about the
►► very 1st Friendly country Meet of gymnastics seniors Japan vs. Germany

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* More information on our German speaking website:

* The editors
* * *
