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On the steady way to the half century, the German organizers can not be shaken even by a three-year pandemic interruption:
So there is the 45th International LEVERKUSEN-CUP 2022 at the last weekend of September again!
Again the Ostermann Arena - directly opposite the soccer stadium "BayArena" is the traditional event location.
Between gymnastics European championship in Munich and the upcoming gymnastics world championships in LIverpool takes place on September 24 (from 6.00 pm local time on) gymnasts from Germany and interesting guests from abroad to the apparatus, because with the largeinternational top events the numerical starting restrictions often prevent those, which stood scarcely before the jump into the different national selection rows.
♦ First entries from England, the Netherlands, Slovenia and the Czech Republic have already arrived, as well as the line-ups of the two German host teams I and II (* see below).
Top-class women's gymnastics is the traditional trademark of this oldest European artistic gymnastics tournament in Leverkusen, nearly a half century ...!
♦♦ Tickets on sale up to Sep 18!
→ Advance booking schoolchildren* (6-17 years): 10 €/ticket
Children 3-5 years: 5 Euro/ticket
Children 0-2 years: free
Box office adults : 18 Euro/ticket
Box office students: 12 Euro/ticket
* → Advance booking by email to >> info@leverkusen-cup.de
→ Venue of the event is the Ostermann Arena (Bismarckstr. 125, 51373 Leverkusen).
The hall is located opposite the soccer stadium "BayArena".
Admission is from 16.30 h, competition starts at 18.00 h
* ... read more on: ► facebook.com/LeverkusenCup
and also on : ► www.leverkusen-cup.de
→ Vorverkauf Erwachsene* (ab 6 Jahre): 15 Euro/Ticket
→ Vorverkauf an Vereine ab 10 Tickets*: 10 Euro/Ticket
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* 2022 September 13:
♦♦ ... last status of the entries:
* Team 1: Lona Haecker*, Amalia Preuss-Neudorff, Florine Seifner
(* Lona Haecker drops out due to injury, is replaced by Salina Bousmayo)
* Team 2: Maellys Alferi, Aiyu Zhu, Anna-Lena König;
* Team 1: Lucy Lewis, Shanna-Kae Grant, Emily Todd
* Team 2: Veronika Kritski, Emily Roper, Tommera Hendricks;
* Team 1: Marit Reijnders, Mischa Marchena, Summer van den Hurk
* Team 2: Christina Lorsé, Fenne Boerdonk, Maud Aldenzee;
* Team: Hana Rebec, Zarja Pogačnik, Vita Prijanovič;
* Team: Denisa Chaloupková, Patricie Makovičková, Zuzana Slezáková
+ + +
* The German Event host "Turn-Club 72 Leverkusen"
is "Member of GYMfamily.
As part of the GYMmedia event service, we report daily updates..
- the Editors
► 44. Leverkusen-Cup 2019
► 43. Leverkusen-Cup 2018
► 42. Leverkusen-Cup 2017
* Have also a look at the → Historical Leverkusen Cup Statistic