06. November 2021  
Zurich, SUI  
Artistic Gymnastics

German Talents win SWISS CUP JUNIORS 2021

GERMANY'S Junior team of girls (under 13 years) won this year's "SWISS CUP JUNIORS 2021" in a four-country match in the Zurich Hallenstadion. With 144,250 points, they relegated the BELGIUM youth team (141,600) to second place, followed by the girls from FRANCE (140,150) and the host team from Switzerland (134,700).
The German talents competed with the best five all-around fighters of the current German Youth Championships (Age group >13), with the newly crowned Stuttgart all-around winner of this age group, Helen KEVRIC also proving herself to be the best all-rounder in her international competition. At halftime, Michaela Muehlhofer, who was only 12 years old, as well as Amalia Preuss-Neuhof, Lisa Wötzel, Helen Kevric, Marlene Gotthardt and Mara Dietz were still in second place behind France, but then improved and took the lead after their third rotation, the jump that they could defend to the end.

Four-country Fight U13-Talents:
(1) Germany; (2) Belgium; (3) France; (4) Switzerland.
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