31. Januar 2020  
Indianapolis, USA  
Artistic Gymnastics

USA Gymnastics Offers $215 Million to Larry Nassar Victims

U.S.A. Gymnastics on Thursday offered to pay $215 million to settle legal claims brought by athletes who say they were sexually abused by Lawrence G. Nassar, the disgraced former national team doctor.  More than 300 plaintiffs, including Olympic gymnasts, have sued U.S.A. Gymnastics for failing to protect them from Mr. Nassar, who was sentenced in 2018 to 40 to 125 years in prison for abusing girls at a gymnastics facility under the guise of medical treatment. Reeling from the scandal, U.S.A. Gymnastics, the sport’s governing body, filed for bankruptcy in 2018. The offer it extended to Mr. Nassar’s accusers was made as part of a reorganization plan filed in federal bankruptcy court for the Southern District of Indiana.
A lawyer for more than 200 women and girls who accused Mr. Nassar of abuse called the offer “unconscionable.”
* Source: US media ; USA Gymnastics