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Bernd JAEGER: |
The somersault of the German All-around and highbar champion of the GDR of 1975, Bernd JAEGER (68) which he created in 1974 at the World Championships in Varna (BUL), also 45 years this flying element is worldwide wellknown as the "Jaeger Sault". With this "flying element" on the king of the apparatus, the horizontal bar, started the international age of the flight elements on the horizontal bar!
After his active career as a competitive athlete at the former GDR army sports club "ASK Vorwaerts Potsdam", Bernd JÄGER worked as coach and head coach in his former hometown Potsdam, near Berlin. In the 1990's, he worked some years as a national head coach in Finland and led Jani Tanskanen to the goöd medal at the horizontal bar at the Worlds in Lausanne (1997) and in 1998 Jari Mönkkönen in St. Petersburg for runner-up title. But after than the high-ranking expert and former Potsdam head coach in Brandenburg found no use, so he moved to Lower Saxony in 2001 and performed there at the traditional club "United Turnerschaft Rinteln 1848 e.V." as the responsible gymnastics trainer for years a valuable development and young talent. Now a call from Southern Africa, Namibia, led the now 68-year-old expert abroad again:
Africa Support by German gymnastic coaches: Bernd JÄGER (li.) and Jochen BROSCHE (re.) with Norman Marais (NAM).
♦♦ HELP for Africa
A report from Swakopsmund / Namibia
Jochen Brosche, longtime and experienced gymnastics coach of the German club TSS Osnabrück and Bernd Jaeger (68) of the club "VT Rinteln" in Lower Saxonia / Germany, are just doing a gymnastics training course in Swakopmund (Namibia) from 2019 November 12 to December 11. The Swakopsmund Gymnastic Club is the Namibian "gymnastics Mecca". The club is led by Dione Dichtl as head coach and Monika Gibbons as president. The work in the gymnastics club is best supported by the Namibian Gymnastic Foundation's Dongina Risser in refereeing and the development of female gymnastics judges.
♦ Namibia's number one hope is the 18-year-old gymnast Emile Pitt.
Emile Pitt has talent and a large elemental repertoire! He also owes this to a six-month training session at the "Bart Conner Gymnastics Academy" in Oklahoma (USA), the prestigious gymnastics school run by Olympic champion couple Bart Conner (1984) & Nadja Comâneci (1976). Even Bart Conner's former personal trainer in the United States of America, Paul Ziert - who made him a world star at that time - holds great parts of the performance of the young Namibian gymnast. Currently we also trust the young man to qualify for the Olympic Games in Tokyo 2020 - but at the latest for the folliwing Games in 2024.
The Swakopsmund Gymnasrics Club has other talents like Josef Nawamab, Moses Naobeb and Clarence Pitt. The most powerful gymnasts are Jocelyn Trista Rossouw and Alerechia Naibes.
The Namibian Gymnastics talents with Bernd JAEGER (GER) as a coach on time
♦ But also Rhythmic Gymnastics has its place in the Swakopmund Gymnastic Club.
<< Mea-Nina OLIVIER - who represented Namibia last year at the Africa Cup in Cairo and took 18th place there - and her sister D'laine Olivier, are both preparing intensively for the qualification to take part in the next 2020 African Cup ,
This qualifying competition of the FIG juniors will take place in March 2020 in Egypt.
The young gymnasts are accompanied by their mother, who is also president of the Namibian Gymnastic Federation.
♦ All Athlets trains in the Swakopmund Indoor Sport Centre
This impressive multi-purpose arena for sporting and cultural events in Swakopmund, on the Namibian coast, opened on 2014, August 01. The arena was one of only two arenas of its kind in Southern Africa.
→ The DOME will host the Africa Qualification for the Trampoline Gymnastics Olympic Games in May 2020.
Despite the visible progress of gymnastics and gymnastics disciplines in the South of Africa, there is still a lot missing!
So for instant the not inconsiderable hall rental for this sports dome be applied monthly from the Namibian Gymnastics Federation, which is not so easy on the ground. Many children or their parents can not afford to participate in training for financial reasons. You are urgently needed personal sponsors. The gymnastics club lacks even simple things, such as methodical aids, straps and just gymnastic clothing; even the urgently needed Magnesia is in short supply.
Support - also in the trainer area - is urgently needed and received benevolently and warmly, as we can experience these days in persona.
Should there be clubs that or persons are interested in helping cooperation, we are happy to establish personal contacts with the "Swakopmund Gymnastics Club".
→ E-Mail to: ► office@gymmedia.com
(c) gymmedia / E. Herholz (editor)
after information from
Bernd Jäger / Jochen Brosche
- just in Swakopmund Gymnastics Club