04. Mai 2019  
Rome, ITA  

International Torch Relay Underway as Flame of Peace Lit for Minsk 2019

The Flame of Peace for the 2nd edition of the European Games 2019  was lit yesterday at the historic Ara Pacis in Rome, marking the start of an international torch relay that will culminate at the Opening Ceremony in Minsk, Belarus on 21 June.
The Flame of Peace Lighting Ceremony was attended by European Olympic Committee (EOC) President Janez Kocijančič, EOC Secretary General Raffaele Pagnozzi, European Games Coordination Commission Chair Spyros Capralos, and European Games Coordination Commission Deputy Chair Zlatko Mateša. President of the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) Giovanni Malagò delivered a welcome speech.
Representing Minsk 2019 and the government of Belarus were CEO of the Minsk European Games Organising Committee (MEGOC) George Katulin and Belarusian Minister of Sport and Tourism Sergey Kovalchuk. Also participating in the Ceremony were Olympic champions Alena Belova (fencing), Uladzislau Hancharou (trampoline) and Yuliya Nestsiarenka (100 meters).
* ... read more on International Torch Relay underway ...
                   & ... 2019 IInd Euroepean Games, Minsk