21. April 2019  
Akita, JPN  
Wheel Gymnastics

Team World Cup to the first Time in Japan

* IRV-press release--: The best four teams from the 2018 World Championships met at the 21st of april 2019 in Akita, in the North of Japan to determine the best Gym Wheel Team in the world. Teams from Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Japan had qualified for the Team World Cup 2019 in Akita. It was the first international Wheel Gymnastics competition in Japan ever and we are very happy about the enthusiasm of the japanese gymnasts and officials to organize the first IRV competition in Japan.
With a total of 21 points the German Team with the athletes Kira Homeyer, Sarah Metz, Carsten Heimes and Luca Christ from the World champion Team Germany got the gold medal in Akita.
Second place went to Japan, with the local „stars“ Yasuhiko Takahashi and Aya Horiguchi and their team mates Yuki Matsuura and Daisuke Mori.
Bronze medal was won by Team Switzerland with Cheyenne Rechsteiner, Leonie Botta, Simon Rufener and Matthias Reich.
 Team Netherlands got 4th place, with excellent routines of Martine van den Boogaard, Sanne Romijn, Ilse van der Ham and Sannah Boer. About 3.000 enthusiasts followed the invitation of the organizing committee of the Japan Rhoenrad Association.