09. September 2018  
Leverkusen, GER  
Artistic Gymnastics

* PREVIEW: 43rd International Leverkusen Cup 2018

With its 43rd edition, the oldest and most traditional European artistic gymnastics competition, the "INTERNATIONAL LEVERKUSEN CUP", is slowly going in the direction of "half a century"!  On the 6th of October the time has come again: In the Ostermann Arena in Leverkusen's Bismark Street teams from England, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovenia and South Africa meet three teams of the host nation Germany.
Interesting occupations are expected in the run-up to the World Gymnastics Championships (in Doha / QAT), as well as interesting insights into the pre-Olympic situations of the visiting young teams. Timely ticket purchase is therefore advisable ...!

* ... read more on the ►► Event website of the hosting "Turn-Club 72 Leverkusen
