05. Juni 2016  
Boehlen, GER  
Artistic Gymnastics

90-year-old pensioner skydives in honour of the Queen’s birthday

A woman who recently won the title as "the oldest gymnast in the world" in the "Guinness Book of World Records" has done a parachute jump in honour of the Queen’s 90th birthday. Johanna Quaas, 90, jumped from a plane on Sunday morning near Leipzig in Germany. Mrs Quass appeared to be unfazed by the jump and smiled for cameras after she landed. it is not the first time she has been noticed for her youthful, sporty ways. Mrs Quass became an Internet sensation after publishing a video gy the European Gymnastics Service "GYMmedia INTERNATIONAL" and after astonishing onlookers when she competed in the 2012 Cottbus World Cup, an international gymnastics competition in Germany.
The pensioner reportedly does intensive sport at least four times a week. She told German newspaper Leipziger Volkszeitung wrote: “I will not stop with the sport. Movement is crucial, and gymnastics is my passion.” Mrs Quass decided to devote the parachute jump to the British Monarch because they share the same age.
In Germany she is also an ambassadore for senior fittness campaign "Deutschland trained" ...!

Johanna Quaas, with 90 years her first parachuting, together with the former world champion on high bar, Eberhard Gienger as tandem master - in a high of more than 3.000 meters near Leipzig.

* Flowers after happy landing ...

... unbelievable media echo ...!
►► Parachuting,  Johanna Quaas

            >>   MDR, Mediathek
