14. Mai 2015  
Berlin, Germany  
Artistic Gymnastics

Berlin adopted Johanna Quaas to USA

With a special press conference at the House of Sport in Berlin-Marzahn dopted the internationally most successful gymnastics city in the world, Berlin, which, according to "Guinness Book of World Records' (2013 ed.) the "oldest active gymnast of the world, Johanna QUAAS:
Thursday, May 14 the meantime famous Senior flights to Oklahoma City to be honored on Saturday by the "International Gymnastics Hall of Fame" with the "Nadia Comaneci Award" for outstanding achievements as an athlete.
"If there were world championships for seniors, the agile citizen of Halle in her 90th year of life - like the British Queen (!) would be very first title contender", so the the main argument of the US expert IGHOF panel. It is world's the first time that a general ore senior gymnast or athlete this honor is bestowed!

Press conferenz with Johanna Quaas' in Berlin on her way to Oklahoma City

Equipped with the best IWA sneakers: "... may be that I have to be active in USA...!?

Radochla & Quaas:
... best arguments for lifelong gymnastics!