08. Januar 2015  
Guadalajara, MEX  
Artistic Gymnastics

Mexican gymnast Romero was murdered ...

Two-time Mexican world team member Jaime ROMERO (22 years) is being mourned following his shocking murder last Saturday on the streets of Guadalajara, Jalisco. Romero was shot and killed along with a friend, Raúl Trejo Santos (23). Witnesses report that the two friends became involved in an argument in the early morning hours with a group of men, who shot them and fled in two vehicles, the police stated. The Mexican Gymnastics Federation (FMG) and the Mexican Olympic Committee were among those that issued public condolences.
"The FMG and the gymnastics community mourn the loss of special gymnast Jaime Romero. Our deepest condolences to his family", the Mexican federation wrote.
Romero was a member of the Mexican team that placed a record 23rd at the 2014 World Championships in Nanning. That ranking helped the Mexican men advance a full team to this year's world championships in Glasgow. He also competed several events at the 2013 World Championships in Antwerp.