17. September 2014  
Berlin, Stroudsburg  
Artistic Gymnastics

Johanna Quaas: The oldest active Gymnast of the World visits USA

At the invitation of the New York Turners and the International Gymnastics Training Camp in Stroudsburg (PA) the oldest active gymnast in the world, the German Mrs. Johanna Quaas, will visit the USA, this week. (> 2013: Guinness Book of World Records).
The reason is her active participation at the "German-American Steuben Parade" in the Fifth Avenue in New York.
Mrs. Johanna Quaas, who will celebrate her 89th birthday in 2014, November, will demonstrate her parallel bars exercise on a float of the Steuben Parade.
It was an idea of Bruno and Brent Klaus, owner of the wellknown "International Gymnastics Training Camp", which is also a supporter of the "International Gymnastics Hall of Fame" (IGHOF).

Mrs. Johanna Quaas, from Germany,  is an extraordinary, vital Lady with a clear mind and special physical performance.

Mrs. Johanna QUAAS (born 1925) - 11-times German Senior Champion in a row...:

* Mrs. Quaas was special guest in many live-talkshows in Argentina, in Rome, in Belgium, in Romania, in London and in Germany, of course.
  More than 25 TV Stations worldwide reported about "Hannchen" (her Nickname), ...also "Good morning, America" and Fuji-TV and TBS in Japan
  Several hundred newspapers, in China alone, reported about the German Gymnastics-Grandma ...

* GYMmedia will  accompany Johanna Quaas on her trip to the USA and will report on their performance to the Steuben Parade.