07. Juli 2014  
Lausanne, Switzerland  
Sports Acrobatics

Acrobatic Gymnastics: Judge sanctioned

* fig-press--: The FIG Disciplinary Commission suspended Acrobatic Gymnastics Category I Judge Mr. Joao Carvalho (POR) for one year for grave faults in his function as Chair of Judges Panel occurred during the 2014 FIG Acro World Cup held in Maia, Portugal, between March 7 and 9, 2014. The judge was found guilty to have intentionally or with gross negligence overseen two grave errors of his compatriots, thus showing twice a very significant bias behaviour in favour of his competitors. Mr. Carvalho is also accused not to have intervened in the case of an impossible score. Mr. Carvalho is excluded, pursuant to Article 43.2(e) of the FIG Statutes, from participating in any FIG activities and other international events for a period of 12 months commencing on 8 July 2014.
Mr. Carvalho has the right to appeal the decision rendered by the FIG Disciplinary Commission to the FIG Appeal Tribunal within 21 days.
* source: fig press release