01. Juni 2014  
Minsk, Belarus  
Rhythmic Gymnastics

7th World Cup Rhythmic Gymnastics in Minsk

Even in home advantage in their state capital Minsk the Belarusian Melitina Staniouta didn't manage to jeopardize the peak position of the Russian Jana KUDRYAVTSEVA. So she won not the all-around qualification of the 7th World Cup of this season with 74.583 points, ahead of Staniouta (72.867) and in two other Russians, Margerita Mamun and Maria Titova, but Kudryavtseva also dominated, as expected, the final apparatus decisions and won three times. Only Melitina STANIOUTA won for Belarus with the ribbon at the end ....

Winner of the group all-around event in Minsk was the national formation of BULGARIA in front of Spain, and tied for the third place the groups from Japan and Israel.
The Bulgarian group was also  unbeatable at the final day and won both decisions at the end ...

BULGARIA (middle) won the all-around competition in Minsk in front of Spain (left) and tied for the 3rd place Japan und Israel, and after than also both final events!
* - from Minsk to GYMmedia: Dirk Zimmermann

* FINAL - 5 Clubs (SUNDAY, 01.06.)

  Name Country D E Pen Total
1 Bulgaria BUL 8,85 8,80 0 17,650
2 Belarus BLR 8,80 8,70 0 17,500
3 Israel ISR 8,70 8,63 0 17,333
4 Spain ESP 8,50 8,40 0 16,900
5 Ukraine UKR 8,55 8,27 0 16,817
6 Japan JPN 8,55 8,00 0 16,550
7 Azerbaijan AZE 8,00 7,60 0 15,600
8 France FRA 7,85 7,23 0 15,083
Final - (Ball/Ribbon)      
  Name Country D E Pen Total
1 Bulgaria BUL 8,75 8,733 0 17,483
2 Israel ISR 8,50 8,733 0 17,233
3 Spain ESP 8,70 8,367 0 17,067
4 Ukraine UKR 8,70 8,233 0 16,933
5 Germany GER 8,35 8,433 0 16,783
6 France FRA 8,20 7,800 0 16,000
7 Belarus BLR 7,95 7,467 0 15,4167
8 Japan JPN 8,20 7,733 0,6 15,333