16. März 2014  
Debrecen, Hungary  
Rhythmic Gymnastics

First Rhythmic World Cup of the Circuit 2014

To the 3rd time the Hungarian Gymnastics Federation organized a World Cup (cat. B) of Rhythmic gymnastics, which took place in Debrecen, March 14 - 16.
It was the first of altogether nine world cup events of this year.
Best gymnast of the Friday's all-around qualification was the Russian Alexandra SOLDATOVA, who scored 70,750 points. On second place came Anna RIZATDINOVA from Ukraine with 70,333 points, followed by Russia's Elizaveta NAZARENKOVA (69,983).
Altogether 30 gymnasts from 17 different countries took part at this first world cup of this season, which will follow one week later by th only on A-Categorie world cup event in Stuttgart, Germany ...

The Rhythmic Gymnastics reports are powered by C h a c o t t

* H o o p / Reifen
1. DURUNDA, Marina (AZE) - 17,600
2. MAZUR, Victoria (UKR)  - 17,400
3. SOLDATOVA, Alexandra (RUS)  - 17,283

    ►► Detailed results (download
          > Detailed Qualification results

* B a l l
1. RIZATDINOVA, Anna (UKR)  - 17,617
2. SOLDATOVA, Alexandra (RUS)  - 17,583
3. HALKINA, Katsiaryna (BLR)  - 17,567

   ►► Detailed results (download
          > Detailed Qualification results

* C l u b s / Keulen
1. SOLDATOVA, Alexandra (RUS)  - 18,067
2. RIZATDINOVA, Anna (UKR)  - 17,700
3. NAZARENKOVA, Elizaveta (RUS)  - 17,633

    ►► Detailed results (download
          > Detailed Qualification results

* R i b b o n  / Band
1. SOLDATOVA, Alexandra (RUS)  - 17,633
2. NAZARENKOVA, Elizaveta (RUS)  - 17,283
3. CHAROPA, Arina (BLR)  - 16,933

    ►► Detailed results (download
          > Detailed Qualification results

* GROUPS, All-around
1. AZE       - 34,483
2. CHINA   - 34,450
3. ISRAEL - 32,933

4. BRA - 30,867;  5. FIN - 30,533; 6. HUN - 30,450
   ►► Detailed AA results
* GRPUPS, Finals:
   ►► Group Final 10 clubs;  
           > Detailed Qualification results

   ►► Group final 3 balls /2 ribbons
          > Detailed Qualification results