08. März 2014  
Maia, Portugal  
Sports Acrobatics

2014 Maia Acrobatic World Cup

* f i g --: Gymnasts from four nations were golden at the Maia Acrobatic World Cup, held over the weekend in Maia (POR). The young British team, prepping for what they hope will be a multi-medal winning performance at this summer's World Acrobatic Championships in Paris-Levallois (FRA), won two of the five golds handed out in the in the senior division in Maia. 2013 World Games silver medallists Georgia Lancaster, Elise Matthews and Millie Spalding easily topped the standings in the Women's Group category, besting teammates Jennifer Bailey, Cicely Irwin and Josephine Russell, 28.480-27.975 points. Russia's Natalya Lavrukhina, Natalia Solodinina and Viktoria Sukhareva stayed solid for the bronze (27.870).