27. Oktober 2013  
Rhythmic Gymnastics

2013 AEON-Cup of Rhythmic Gymnastics

As in previous years, the leadership of the Russians was not to shake at this year's international highlight for the world's best clubs of rhythmic gymnastics, the "International AEON Cup 2013" in the Japanese metropolis of Tokyo last weekend.
<< The team GAZPROM won the final with more than 5 points ahead clearly in front of a Byelorussian "DINAMO" team.
On third placed the Ukrainian "Derjugina School. Even the best individual performance resulted from Russia's Jana Kudrawtsewa in front of Melitina Staniouta (BLR) followed by Margarita Mamun (RUS) ...


AEON Cup 2013 - ELITE
* Indiv. All-around

1. Yana KUDRYAVTSEVA (Gazprom / RUS) - 75.100
2. Melitina STANIOUTA (DINAMO / BLR) - 73.150
3. Margarita MAMUN    (Gazprom / RUS) - 72.850

4. Anna RIZATDINOVA (Deriugina School / UKR) - 72.600
5. Katsiaryna HALKINA           (DINAMO / BLR) - 70.450
6. Marina DURUNDA                (NEFTCHI / AZE) - 70.050
7. Victoria FILANOVSKY         (Maccabi / ISR) - 68.750
8. Lala YUSIFOVA                    (NEFTCHI / AZE) - 67.900
9. Sakura HAYAKAWA             (AEON / JPN) - 66.650
10. Kaho MINAGAWA               (AEON / JPN) - 66.600

Yulia Bravikova (RUS)