19. April 2013  
Moscow, Russia  
Artistic Gymnastics

Russia s David Belyavskiy is the new European All-around Champion

The competition for the European all-around crown of the modern men's artistic gymnastics today ruled the top favorite and Rissian local hero David Beliavsky in an impressive competition for themselve.
The only one of the top quartet he could increase towards the qualifying competition. With 89.799 points he referred to the British best of preliminaries Max WHITLOCK (89.106) finished second, while the strongest rival on the title, the Ukrainian Oleg VERNIAIEV in the last rotation on pmmel  horse too much risked descent prematurely, but still with 0.3 points lead and (88.398 ) saved the bronze medal ahead of compatriot Oleg Stepko.
With an increase of the last apparatus high bar the only German representative Andreas Toba (85.431 made a strong race from 13th place in qualifying on a 7th place in this final.
Claudio Capelli (SUI) finished ninth with 84.831 points ...

Top Three of European All-around Competition 2013:
Max Whitlock (GBR) - Champion David Belyavskiy (RUS) - Oleg Vernyayev (UKR)

wieder ab ab 16.00 Uhr !

1. D u r c h g a n g :

Nahezu unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit fand leider auch der Hauptwettkampf dieser Europameisterschaften der Männer statt.

Die europäischen Gerätkünstler hätten wahrlich eine angemessenere Kulisse verdient, aber es sind - wie schon zur Qualifikation - kaum zahlende Zuschauer in der Halle, auch wenn noch immer welche dazu kommen...!

* Das Mehrkampffinale der Frauen
   beginnt 17.30 Uhr (Ortszeit (15.30 Uhr MESZ

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