01. März 2013  
Halle/Saale, GERMANY  
Artistic Gymnastics

The world s oldest competitive gymnast celebrated Golden Wedding

In silence and humility, and only in the immediate family and friends celebrated Johanna Quaas (87) and her husband Gerhardt their 50th Wedding Anniversary.
In order for the birthday girl should also be the world's only active gymnast who committed this rare golden wedding or during their time as an active athlete.

Not for nothing is it since September in the Guinness Book of World Records after her sensational petition exercises had caused enormous spread via Youtube (> 8 million views!) and recognized worldwide wave.
Interview requests and wishes from TV broadcasters and journalists from more than 20 countries ran towards the now 87-year exceptional athlete - from Japan, China, Scandinavia, Spain, Brazil, USA .... so that needs now special logistical structures to be fair this media onslaught.

The Golden Wedding Cpuple!

* In a CareTRIALOG-Interview Johanna Quaas 
   gave >> valuable tips for active aging (- in German language)
>> Gesunde Älterwerden

... and their competition exercises are long worldwide cult:
>> FLOOR exercises: Jahnturnfest, Freyburg 2012
>> Parallel bars, Jahnturnfest, Freyburg 2012
>> Bench exercise, Jahnturnfest, Freyburg 2012