28. August 2012  
Bozhou/ Prov. Anhui (China)  
Artistic Gymnastics

Chinese recreation center named DENG LINLIN

The Lixin County government of Bozhou has awarded the Chinese  Olympic champion on balance beam, Deng Linlin, a brand new apartment and ¥100,000 RMB (approx. $16,000 USD) for her achievements.  In addition, they are building a new city recreation center that will be named after her. 
The Anhui provincial government awards about ¥500,000 RMB (approx. $80,000 USD) for a gold medal (If Deng were to come from bigger provinces like Shandong, that figure shoots up to ¥1,000,000 RMB). Plus the cash prizes from the national government that is also estimated around ¥500,000 RMB per gold medal.
Not to mention all the corporations and nonprofit foundation award prizes, advertisement income, media appearances, exhibition tours, and business sponsorships that comes with the gold medal.