02. Juli 2012  
Riccione, Italy  
Happy Gymnastics

*Member of EGF: 11th Festival del Sole wih a big Opening Ceremony opened

Despite the European Football Championship finals with Italian participation did the opening ceremony of the "11th FESTIVAL OF THE SUN" absolutely no harm in Riccione, Italy.
About 3,500 guests and 150 groups from 17 countries witnessed on Sunday evening, a grand opening ceremony at the Arena de Roma on the beach of Riccione.
In a cross-section was the most diverse content to see everything from acrobatics, aerobics, Akrogymnastik, trampolining and TeamGym, classical and modern dance, hip hop, streat dance, obstacle course ... and also workshops, training opportunities and hands-on stage at the beach, parties at various ... 
Gymnast heart what do you want more!
The "Festival del Sole" is a founding member of the "European Gym Festival" (EGF).
* Find more: www.festivaldelsole.it

* Reporting from Riccione for GYMmedia: Achim SCHAEFER (Fotos)

Atmospheric and action-packed performances and incredibly impressive creations and movement games ...:

** >> Closing ceremony, Friday, July 06

* ... read moe about 'EGF' on: www.gymfestivals.eu