26. Februar 2012  
Moscow, Russia  
Rhythmic Gymnastics

Russian Gymnastics Quartet dominated GAZPROM Grand Prix

A Russian quartet of top gymnasts dominated the all-around qualification of the first 2012 Rhythmic Gymnastics Grand Prix in the Russian capital, but also the finals at the closing day in Moscow:
<< Daria Kondakova << (114.750) in front of Evgenia Kanaeva (114.200), Daria Dmitrieva (112.800) and Alexandra Merkulova (111.050) was the ranking at the top of the standings, consisting of 37 gymnasts from 25 nations. The best non-Russian gymnast landed on fifth place with Sylviya Miteva 109.725 points.
Most successfull gymnast finally was the top-star Evgenia Kanaeva, winning three of foour golden medals at Sunday. Winner with the ball was her teammate Daria Dmitrieva ...
 >> All-around Results

Nothing other than the overwhelming dominance of Russians dominated the scene at the Grand Prix final day:
The maximum of four hosts victory by Evgenia Kanaeva (3x) and Daria Dmitrieva (ball), including three Russian double victories - only the "collapse" of the Azerbaijani Aliya Garajeva as Second broke through with the ball once the phalanx of Russian gymnasts.

** GYMvideo ..:  - three-times winner Evgenia Kanaeva got the highest score with the ribbon at the final day: 29,100:

Third places went to the Korean SON, Yeon Jae (hope; 27,750), to the third Russian Daria Kondakowa (ball; 27,975), with the clubs to Neta Rivkin (ISR; 27,800) but also with the ribbon to Sylviya Miteva (BUL; 28.200)

>> Final Results