Ronny Ziesmer: 'Bachelor of Sience' (c) Oliver Mark
Having successfully defended his Bachelor-Thesis the former German national team member Ronny ZIESMER has finished his studies of biotechnology at the university in the city Senftenberg with the final grade of 1.6. For the gymnast, who since his accident during training before the Olympic Games 2004 is quadriplegic and sits in a wheelchair, this was another big goal on the way into a fulfilling life after already having started his foundation "Alliance of hope" and having participated in the Berlin Marathon with a handbike. "Life is, what you make of it!" is what he once mentioned in an interview as his guiding principle. And with the way he spends his life, he certainly is a role model for this principle...
In the following days and weeks now will follow the intensive planning of the next steps in his life. Together with his media consultant Eckhard HERHOLZ and his agency "GYMmedia INTERNATIONAL", Ronny Ziesmer now wants to fully concentrate on his foundation "Alliance of hope" and its' main project - structuring the World-wide first scientific"Centre for Neuronal Regeneration, CNR" in Düsseldorf.
** RONNY ZIESMER: "Life is What You make of it!" - a unique sports personality! _____________________________________________________ ** GYMmedia-Video - exclusive --:
Ronny Ziesmer: "I'd like to thank the representatives of my university "'Hochschule Lausitz", the whole teaching staff and tutors and especially the "centre for handicapped-accessible studies". WIthout them I would not have been able to succesfully finish my studies!
I also would like to thank Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner MÜLLER from the university "Heinrich-Heine-Universtät Düsseldorf'" as well as the Chairman of our foundation council, Mr. Rüdiger GOLLof the company 'Industrie Consult International M&A'GmbH' for their expertise and understanding for my special situation.
Ronny Ziesmer, Vice- World Champion Philipp Boy - both SC Cottbus
My thanks regarding being able to be successful in sport events again go to Mr. Heinrich KÖBERLE for his empathetic way and his professionalism in the training with the handbike! I still feel well in my club SC Cottbus, not only because of their several German Championship- titles and because it is the club of Vice- World Champion Philipp BOY but also because of the good atmosphere in this World-wide acknowledged club!
It has a reason that the "Tournament of Masters" already is in its' fourth decade of being a great event in the international World of gymnastics!
Daimler AG made the participation of Ronny Ziesmer as expert for the TV-station ZDF in Bejing 2008 possible through providing a special car service!
Mobility is everything for a quadriplegic person in a wheelchair! Especially the'branch management for handicapped vehicles of the Mercedes-Benz sales department, Berlin' has helped me through providing an exceptional car. With it I managed to reach a grade of self-dependance which I did not expect before. When I was working as expert for the TV-station ZDF together with Christoph HAMMat the Olympic Games in Bejing 2008 I noticed how strongly the colleagues of the TV-station ZDF were prepared for my special situation. Through this they enabled me a good way to hold the contact to my sports discipline gymnastics! In the end I would also like thank the sports journalist, and former ZDF- commentator and today's chief editor of GYMmedia, Eckhard HERHOLZ, who is at my side as media consultant since my accident in 2004
... and helped from the background to take care of many projects and sometimes is my "firewall". Without him certainly sometimes I wouldn't have been able to take care of all the different questions and tasks!
Finally I would like to thank all contributors for their donations to the foundation 'ALLIANCE OF HOPE' and I also would like to say thank you for the solidarity to many gymnasts and other sports persons in German and international federations and clubs.
Everyone should know: Now after having finished my studies I am only in the beginning. I would like to reach progress in the area of serious researching. I would like to give something back to persons who are affected like me, but are not in the same spotlight in the public.
I would like to encourage everyone who decides to give a donation now: It is never too late for showing solidarity and: - There is no way to give up!" Yours Ronny Ziesmer .
*Account for donations: Account name: Allianz der Hoffnung, Ronny Ziesmer Bank: Deutsche Bank Berlin Account: 222 202 400 Bank code: 100 700 00