14. Oktober 2011  
Tokyo, Japan  
Artistic Gymnastics

TODAY: Men s all-around final: Uchimura in front of Boy and Yamamuro!

The men's-all-around final of the 43rd  Artistic Gymnastics World Championships 2011 has ended with a  clear victory for the Japanese hosts. As expected Kohei UCHIMURA dominated the event and won the gold medal three points ahead of the rest of the field with amazing 93.631.

In an exciting all-around final the decision for the remaning medals was open for a long time. In the end it was Germany's Philipp BOY who secured himself silver with a great high-bar routine, which also was the most difficult one today, with 90.530 points. Only three tenth behind him  Koji YAMAMURO (JPN) won bronze (90.255).

Also the gymnasts on the following ranks 4 - 7, Daniel Purvis (GBR), John Orozco (USA), David Belyavskiy (RUS) and Mykola Kuksenkov (UKR) remained over 89 points!
* ... The situation before the final
Kohei UCHIMURA is the top favourite!
  - by Dieter Hofmann from Tokyo
When Kohei UCHIMURA competes even his strongest competitors acknowledge that he currently is the best gymnast in the World! He usually ends his competitions about 2 points ahead of the remaining field. His technical perfection is amazing to see!
* Course of the competition
1st Rotation    (> Start list 1)

1. Enrique Gonzalez Sepulveda (CHI) - VT - 16.000
2. Oleg Stepko (UKR)                            -VT - 15.766
3. Kohei Uchimura (JPN)                      - FX - 15.566
4. Alexander Shatilov (ISR)                 - VT - 15.400
5. Cyril Tommasone (FRA)                  - PH - 15.400
6. Pascal Bucher (SUI)                        - VT -15.333
7. Andrey Likhovitskiy (BLR)               - VT - 15.300
8. Daniel Purvis (GBR)                         - FX - 15.033
9. Mykola Kuksenkov (UKR)                - PH - 15.000
10. Philipp Boy (GER)                          - FX - 14.866
11. Danell Leyva (USA)                      - FX - 14.833
12. Javier Gomez Fuertes (ESP)        - VT - 14.800
13. Koji Yamamuro (JPN)                    - FX - 14.566

* PURVIS, Daniel (GBR) - floor, slight insecurities in the landings - (6.1.) = 15.033;
* YAMAMURO, Koji (JPN) - floor, a solid start for him - (6.1.) = 14.566
* LEYVA, Danell (USA) - floor, a difficult routine, he gets applause by the audience for his flexibility and for the variety in his routine - (6.1) = 14.833;
* OROCZO, John (USA) - floor, this is not the top apparatus for this strong athlete, the score matches his abilities - (5.7) = 14.400;
* UCHIMURA, Kohei (JPN) - floor, a lot of applause for him by the audience, he seems to be in good form today, a great double arabian and an execution score of 9.066! Already on the first apparatus he gets more than in the qualification - (6.5) = 15.566;
* BOY, Philipp (GER) - floor - starting right after Uchimura he copes well with his first routine and gets half a point more than in the qualification - (6.4) = 14.866;

 * Of course the group which started on vault with Stepko, Gonzales, Shatilov is in the lead after the first rotation. This will be relativised throughout the event.

- by the way:
Marian Dragulescu
(19th) does not compete in this all-around final. He is replaced by Nathan GAFIUK (CAN)

3rd Rotation (> Start list 3)

1. Kohei Uchimura (JPN)                      - Ri - 15.166 - 46.132
2. Mykola Kuksenkov (UKR)                - VT - 16.033 - 45.533
3. David Belyavskiy (RUS)                   - PB - 14.600 - 45.208
4. Cyril Tommasone (FRA)                  - VT -15.600 - 44.966
5. Anton Fokin (UZB)                           - PB- 14.966 - 44.899
6. Pascal Bucher (SUI)                        - HB - 14.333 - 44.599
8. Flavius Koczi (ROU)                        - PB - 14.433 - 44.499
9. Teng Haibin (CHN)                           - PB - 15.233 - 44.466
9. Koji Yamamuro (JPN)                       - Ri - 15.125 - 44.357
10. Kim Soo Myun (KOR)                     - PB - 14.100 - 44.332
11 . Kim Seungil (KOR)                        - PB - 14.433 - 44.324
12. Andrey Likhovitskiy (BLR)             - HB - 14.333 - 44.233
13. Alexander Shatilov (ISR)               - HB - 14.333 - 43.933
14 . Daniel Purvis (GBR)                       - Ri - 14.333 - 43.932
14. Marcel Nguyen (GER)                    - VT - 15.133 - 43.932
16. Philipp Boy (GER)                           - Ri - 14.500 - 43.832

* LEYVA (USA) - rings, the score comes close to the optimum for him on this apparatus =14.341;
* KUKSENKOV (UKR) - vault, Yurchenko with 2 1/2 twists = 16.033;
* OROCZO (USA) - rings, sligth insecurities in the execution for the "power man", that means "only" = 14.300;
* UCHIMURA (JPN) - rings, he again competes on the highest level, maybe slight problems on his Honma - cross combination (due to that an E-score of 8.6.) but the rest is perfect including the double-double dismount = 15.166 and he clearly remains in the lead in front of Kuksenkov - even before having competed on vault;
* YAMAMURO (JPN) - also the second Japanese gymnast shows a great routine - (6.7) = 15.125;
* TENG, Haibing (CHN) - parallel bars, before that he made a mistake on rings and now also on parallel bars he doesn't get through the routine without problems, but still = 15.233;
* BOY (GER) - rings, he continues with a faultless competition - (6.0) = 14.500, however neither he nor Purvis or the Americans can reach Uchimura.

5th Rotation (> Start list 5)

1. Kohei Uchimura (JPN)                    - PB - 15.566 - 77.931
2. Koji Yamamuro (JPN)                     - PB - 14.966 - 75.389
3. Daniel Purvis (GBR)                      - PB - 15.200 - 75.132
4. Mykola Kuksenkov (UKR)              - HB - 15.200 - 74.766
5. David Belyavskiy (RUS)                - FX - 14.733 - 74.541
6. Philipp Boy (GER)                          - PB - 14.566 - 74.464
7. John Orozco (USA)                     - PB - 15.366 - 74.298
8. Cyril Tommasone (FRA)               - HB -14.666 - 74.232
9. Danel Leyva (USA)                      - PB - 15.333 - 73.740
10. Flavius Koczi (ROU)                    - FX - 15.366 - 73.665
11. Kim Seungil (KOR)                       - FX - 14.466 - 73.623
12. Marcel Nguyen (GER)                 - HB - 14.466 - 73.598

* UCHIMURA (JPN) - parallel bars, he has to start - and reaches the highest score of the day on this apparatus, 5 flight elements! = 15.566
* BOY (GER) - remains concentrated after the perfect performance by his competitor - a large step on the landing of his dismount but the rest goes well, - (6.3) = 14.566; - 7 tenths less than in the qualification...
* PURVIS - parallel bars, the British gymnast who is ranked slightly in front of Boy after the 4th rotation shows a routine which is a bit more elegantly presented than the one from the German before - (6.4) = 15,200;
* NGUYEN (GER) - high-bar, starts with an eagle-swing which is not that well executed, but gets better throughout the routine - (6.5) = 14.466. A difficult routine but he leaves the judges too much room for deductions due to problems in the execution!

* YAMAMOTO (JPN) - parallel bars - (6.2) = 14.966 - and he remains on the second place!
* OROCZO (USA) - parallel bars - a top routine with high difficulty = 15.533 - and he catches up, he's on the 7th place before the last rotation.

* KUKSENKOV (UKR) and BELYAVSKYI (RUS)  steadily improve and can be found on the ranks 4 and 5 before the last rotation!

UCHIMURA leads in an amazing way. On high-bar he wouldn't be able to make that many mistakes in order to loose the gold medal!

6th Rotation (> Start list 6)

1. Kohei Uchimura (JPN)                 - HB - 15.700 - 93.631
2. Philipp Boy (GER)                         - HB - 16.066 - 90.530
3. Koji Yamamuro (JPN)                 - HB - 14.866 - 90.255
4. Daniel Purvis (GBR)                      - HB - 14.800 - 89.932
5. John Orozco (USA)                     - HB - 15.366 - 89.664
6. David Belyavskiy (RUS)               - PH -14.733 - 89.274
7. Mykola Kuksenkov (UKR)            - FX - 14.366 - 89.132
8. Marcel Nguyen (GER)                 - HB - 15.233 - 88.831
>> Detailed Results All-Around-Final
 >> All Results

* BOY (GER) - high-bar, the first gymnast on the last apparatus and he has to keep his nerves together - he shows his full program, great flight elements - Cassina and Kolman, eagle-swing - 1/2 turn, Markelov and also the dismount works well! - And he is very happy after his performance! - (7.4) =16.066
Up to this point he hadn't managed to show this routine that well in Tokyo. Now it can be looked forward to his performance in the final on Sunday!

* LEYVA (USA) - high-bar - fall after Tkatchev 1/1 turn, he falls unluckily on his ellbow and can't continue the routine! = 6.466;
* OROCZO (USA) - high-bar - with a very good ending of his all-around ( - 6.4. = 15.366 ) he reaches the 5th position in the final results;

* PURVIS (GBR) - high-bar, he remains without mistakes but shows a clearly lower D-score compared to Boy and with - (6.4) = 14.900 he remains behind the German!
* YAMAMURO (JPN) - high-bar, a lot of cheers from the audience but also the Japanese gymnast can't reach the level of Boy's performance - (6.2) = 14.866 - and he ends up between Boy and Purvis in the all-around ranking!

** UCHIMURA (JPN) - high-bar - and  "Mister Perfect" ends this all-around competition. Also on his last apparatus he shows a brilliant performance, today all flight-elements work well and the audience in the arena is standing! - (6.7) = 15.700

KOHEI UCHIMURA (JPN) - He is the first all-around World Champion who manages to win this title, after London 2009 and Rotterdam 2010, for the third time in a row!
He is a true Champion...!!

Philipp BOY
defends his silver medal from Rotterdam 2010. No German gymnast has managed this in the over 100-year-long history of gymnastic World Championships! He truly is the superstar of German gymnastics now.

* BRONZE goes to the second Japanese gymnast
Koji YAMAMURO. After Melbourne 2005 Japan again managed to have two gymnasts on the all-around podium!
