10. Oktober 2011  
Hamburg, Germany  
Artistic Gymnastics

* PREVIEW: - III. HAMBURG GYMNASTICS - a Top Event for young female Gymnasts!

Two weeks only after the 2011 Artistic Worlds Germany will host a very traditional event of international women's artistic gymnastics:
"Hamburg Gymnastics - Turnkunst International" - it's a high level event for international female talents from the age of 12 years on.
One year before the next European Junior Championships a lot of nations will use this event for their preparations.
The topical roster of partispating nations involved 17 teams, representing 10 different nations, so from 
Egypt, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Austria, Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, but also from host country Germany too ...

* The  MODUS

"Hamburg Gymnastics", that's  preliminaries (qualification round), Main round and Lucky-Loser-Round and the TOP-FIVE-Final.

The 17 Teams will divide into 3 Groups :
- Rank 1 – 3 of qualification > TOP-FIVE-Final
- Rank 4 – 8 of qualification > Main Round
- Rang 9 – 15 of qualification >> Lucky Loser Round.

* Friday, 28.10.2011
15:00 - 17:00 pm | Prelim. - Group 1
17:00 - 19:00 pm | Prelim. - Group 2
19:00 - 21:00 pm | Prelim. - Group 3

* Samstag, 29.10.2011
11 am – 13:00 pm: Lucky-Loser Round 
14:00 – 17:00 pm : Main Round 
18:00 – 20:00 pm: TOP FIVE Final

 20:00 pm: FINAL PARTY


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Special  SHOW ACTS
   ( ... f. i.  Sandra TREPTE a 2009 German World champion of Wheel Gymnastics or an attractive GYM Fashion Scow and more ...

** ... please, look at the Event Website:
  >> or to the > GYMmedia Preview in German Language

* GYMmedia REVIEW:
> II. Hamburg-Gymnastics 2010
> I. Hamburg Gymnastics 2009

... the forerunner event, the Alster-Cups:
> 1. Alsterpokal 2002; (- 2003 - no Service)
> 3. Alsterpokal 2004 > 4. Alsterpokal 2005
> 5. Alsterpokal 2006