17. Juli 2011  
Lausanne, Switzerland  
Happy Gymnastics

This was the 14th WORLD GYMNAESTRADA 2011: We met the Magic !

With the support of "SPIETH Gymnastic" the European Gymnastic Service "GYMmedia INTERNATIONAL" reported every day from the events of the 14th WORLD GYMNAESTRADA 2011, which was held from July 10 - 16 in Lausanne, Switzerland ...

SPIETH Gymnastic - Official Supplier of WG-2011,
supported the daily GYMmedia reports

GYMmedia Coverages from the 14th WORLD GYMNAESTRADA"

DAY 1 - Sunday, July 10: The Opening Ceremony...

* DAY 2 - Monday, July 11:  ... a. o.. with the Swiss Evening