29. März 2011  
Montreal, Canada  
Artistic Gymnastics

CIRQUE DU SOLEIL: Casting Newsletter March 2011

Cirque du Soleil currently has more than 1,300 artists and 19 shows in performance; by the end of the year, it will be 22 shows.
<< To support the company’s growth, and as confirmation of the critical assignment carried out by Casting, Line Giasson becomes Senior Director.

* Read more
about her stratecic role and the next CASTING DATES - also at the upcoming EUROPEANS in Berlin (April 06 - 10) at the topical CASTING NEWSLETTER!

Everything (or almost everything) you always wanted to know about clowns and physical actors at Cirque du Soleil, but were afraid to ask.
Starring, among others, Daniel Passer, Wayne Wilson, Pippo Crotti and Gordon White ...

>> Here’s the latest CIRQUE video!
Clowns and Physical Actors at Cirque du Soleil from a Casting point of view