28. Oktober 2010  
Rotterdam, Niederlande  
Artistic Gymnastics

ROTTERDAM REVIEWS (1):A remarkable Artistic Gymnastics World Championship

The 42nd World Championships in MAG and 33rd Championships in WAG from 16th to 24th October at the Ahoy-Arena in Rotterdam, were remarkably in a lot of ways.
In the middle of the Olympic cycle - it was the first time after the World Championships in Stuttgart 2007 and the Olympic Games 2008 (Beijing) that the different nations could test their ranking at international level – and this possibility was taken by 69 countries, record participation!

Sympathetic Dutch hosts and organizers offered best conditions, not only from the organizational or logistically point of view, but they also created a specially friendly and open-minded atmosphere and meeting-point for the audience, athletes and journalists…

* GYMmedia-WM-Website ROTTERDAM 2010
- powered by 'Janssen-Fritsen

The during decades biggest rival of the Russian gymnasts was Romania, which has fallen back to the third rang after Russia and Great Britain in the European Championships in Birmingham 2010, after the big successes in the Olympic Games of 2000 and 2004.
That's the reason why the team decided to hire again the great coaches Mariana BITANG and Octavian BELU.
Octavian BELU answered our questions about his goals and demands and also about the status of the Romanian women's gymnastics: 
* GYMmedia exclusive -:

... but also big world stars of the international gymnastics of the past came to the World Championships in Rotterdam, and were not only spectators, but, like the twice Olympic Games winner in 1996 and 2000 Simona AMANAR, as vicepresident of the Romanian Gymnastics Federation.
* GYMmedia exclusive-: