23. Januar 2010  
Tallin, Estonia  
Rhythmic Gymnastics

Former rhythmic gymnast does magic with skating B-score

After the victory of the Russian figure skating pair Yuko Kawaguchi (28, from Japan) and Alexander Smirnov (25) many discussions were heard about their high B- score, through which they managed to beat the German pair Aljona Savchenko/Robin Szolkowy.
However, not really well known is that the choreographer of the Russian pair who became European Champions in Tallin is a former World Champion in rhythmic gymnastics:
The ribbon- World Champion from 1987 (Varna) Tatiana DRUCHININA (together with Bianka Panova, Bulgaria) is currently working as a choreographer in the team of Tamara Moskvina's figure skating school in St. Petersburg. Also the 2006 Olympic Champions Tatiana Navka/Roman Kostonarov partly worked with her and she is married to the two-time pairs Olympic Champion from Albertville (1992) and Nagano (1998) Arthur Dmitriev.