09. November 2009  
Kienbaum, Germany  
Artistic Gymnastics

Ronny Ziesmer opens British training camp in KienbaumIncredible achievements of handicaped gymnasts on the gymnastics apparatuses

Until 20 years and one day ago, it would have been practically impossible for unauthorised peoples or foreigners to set foot onto the terrain of the past  'Sports school of the GDR " in Kienbaum .
Berlins gymnastics president  Frank Ebel reminded of this fact today, during the opening of the I. International Gymnastics Trainings Camp for handicapped sportsmen/women in Germany  , which was organised by the British gymnastics federation and was used by guests from Belgium, Norway and the Netherlands.

<< Germany's ex-gymnast of the national team , Ronny Ziesmer, (Photo: seminar opening) supports the British efforts and concepts, to offer gymnastics as a competition chance also for the handicapped and today opened the seminar in the particular hall, where his devastating accident happened over 5 years ago...

As a good example the 'Branchenmanagement Behindertenfahrzeuge der Daimler AG supports this seminar and has taken over the eintire bus transfer of this seminarweek

The Bundesleistungszentrum Kienbaum offers the British guests modern accomodation and best conditions around the clock

Ronny, beeindruckt von der Arbeit 'am Mann'

<< In terms of the German gymnastics father Jahn, who once used the balance beam not far from Kienbaum in der Hasenheide of Berlin (1811) as a means to train balance, the modern balance beam seves the girls with different handicaps (see photo), to build off their deficits through focused training and especially to perform with confidence, to create physical and psychological super potentials.

Age classes and handicapped-just competition forms, form good challenged there. British country championships of handicapped gymnast experiences already exist , which one happily offers the interested national associations.

For this part of the training camp the Fa. Eurotramp from Weilheim-Teck - whose high tech apparati stood just this week in the trampoline gymnastics European championships in  St. Petersburg -  allowed for the application of trampoline apparati in Kienbaum.

The Berliner "Mr. Trampolin" Uwe Wochnowski (Mitte) from the Lichtenrader Verein, supports here the British coach  Paul Coates at the longen-training with a British sportswoman, who attempted her summersaults.
The avoidance of failures is important for the sensitive trainings process, as well as many achievements, the personal getting over difficulties and the gaining of  coordinative capabilities for the orientation of the room.

... one week intense training stands before the international guests from Great Britain, Belgium, Norway and the Netherlands, who want to optimally use the commended logistic conditions of the German Bundesleistungszentrums Kienbaum.

<< Visitng todays seminar opening, as an extremely interested consultant was the renomated Doctor and Medical Director of the Unfallkrankenhaus ( accident hospital) Berlin. Prof. Dr. med. Walter SCHAFFARTZIK (ri.), who here informed himself in a technical conversation with  Ronny ZIESMER about the many sided possibilities, through the uses of the variations of gymnastics disciplines for focused encouragement of the handicapped.

Still in November 2009 Ronny Ziesmer in cooperation with UKB will inform the participants of the 6. Symposium top-level sports  about the contents and results of this seminar, in the Berliner Paul-Löbe-Haus.