08. November 2009  
Berlin, Kienbaum, GERMANY  
Artistic Gymnastics

British delegation starts impressive Kienbaum trainings camp

Right now on Sunday night the British delegation of handicapped sportsmen has landed at the Berlin Tempelhof airport.
These will attend an International trainings camp for Disability Gymnastics  from the 9th until the 14th of November 2009 in the Bundesleistungszentrum Kienbaum.
The sportsmen are cases with various handicaps, who particularly perform in the Olympic disciplines of apparati and trampoline gymnastics as well as rhythmic gymnastics competitions. The Brits have been at the top of this league since two decades, have developed an impressive educational and competition system and are aiming to internationalize their ideas.
Ronny ZIESMER, Germany's former member of national team, wants to support them in this...

* Ronny Ziesmer succeeded to organize, that his Sponsor,
the Daimler Management for Cars for Handicaped People
gave its support
Himself will work as a Patron to internationalize the British ideas.

Notable British Initiative!

On Monday, 9. November,  the camp will be opened.
Reception and meet and greet of the guests at the request of the DTB will be held by the President of the Berlin Gymnastics Federation Frank Ebel, who supported the Brits already at the information visit in spring 2009 .
A great technical interest is also shown by Europes most modern accident hospital, the "UKB" Berlin, whose Director Doctor , Professor Dr. med. Walter Schaffartzik personally will greet the guests in the gymnastics hall in Kienbaum on Monday.
He was already at the side of  Ronny Ziesmers , when the Cottbuser 2004 - shortly before the Olympic games, had to be operated in the UKB.

British and international guests in pleasant antipation of the trip to Germany