12. Juni 2009  
Frankfurt, Germany  
Happy Gymnastics

British Gymnastics GMPD members visit to Frankfurt.

Two members for the British Gymnastics Technical Committee (GMPD: Gymnastics and Movement for People with Disabilities) visited Frankfurt as part of their publicity campaign to advertise the British disabilities National Squads training camp at Kienbaum in November.
The visit had been coordinated by Eckhard Herholz, Managing Director of the European Gymnastic Service "GYMmedia INTERNATIONAL" for both Hazel Coates and Jeremy Eddon to meet with many of the coaches and tutors that were attending the "International German Turnfest" held in Frankfurt at the beginning of June, as well as attend many of the demonstrations and activities.
British ambassadors of very good British ideas...!

The facilities
in which the Frankfurt Turnfest was held in and around the various buildings in the centre of Frankfurt were absolutely incredible.
The lectures, tutorials and demonstrations covered a very wide range of sports equipment and activities and ran efficiently and smoothly throughout the time we were able to attend in our short visit.
Both Hazel and I were also able to watch the Aerobics Championships and talk to several of the coaches and spectators at that competition venue.
An excellent festival – well worth visiting and very useful for our mission for the future visit to Berlin in 2009 November.

* Reported by Jeremy EDDON, GBR, TC GMPD