17. März 2009  
Chicago / USA  
Wheel Gymnastics

US Nationals of Wheel Gymnastics 2009

The 2009 USA National Wheel Gymnastics Championships were held on March 15th in conjunction with Circesteem at Alternatives, Inc., 4730 N. Sheridan Road, in Chicago.
<< New US Champion 2009 is the Vice World Champion (vault) of 2007 (Salzburg, Austria), Cornell FREENEY (< photo, left).
The field of competitors consisted of one Junior Female athlete; Edith Keme, one Junior Male athlete; Dave Ettelson, and four Senior Male athletes; Same Sake, Chris Delgado, Cornell Freeney, and Alan Royston.
Two athletes could not compete due to injuries: Rose Heltzer and Nich Galzin. ...

USA Wheel Gymnastics Team 2009
-lead by the former German world star Wolfgang BIENTZLE as national coach
( 2nd from right)

Dave ETTELSON, straight line

>> 2009 US Champs Results

<< Former World Top Athlet as US National Coach
The National Coach for the USA Team is Wolfgang Bientzle
(< photo, left; 8 World Champion titles, 11 European titles, more than 60 German titles, performer, choreographer, and coach to over 29 World titles, 26 European titles, and 200 German National Title athletes).
(>>  ... more about Bientzle)
US Wheel Gymn. press release